Gorge Early Learning (GEL) Coalition welcomes you!
Here you will find information and resources on early learning activities that take place in Klickitat and Skamania County, as well as Hood River and The Dalles in Oregon.
Did you know? Prior to COVID-19, GEL sponsored Learn and Play programs in White Salmon, Goldendale, Klickitat, Trout Lake and Stevenson, Washington. Parents and caregivers with babies, toddlers and pre-school children were invited to attend and join in.
There is no cost to attend-it's totally free. It’s totally awesome, too! Stories, songs, jump-up-and-down dances and child-friendly art projects were offered. Every child received a free book to take home, thanks to the generosity of the Ft. Vancouver Regional Library Foundation. No programs are currently being held, stay tuned for updates. We can't wait to see you!
Here you will find information and resources on early learning activities that take place in Klickitat and Skamania County, as well as Hood River and The Dalles in Oregon.
Did you know? Prior to COVID-19, GEL sponsored Learn and Play programs in White Salmon, Goldendale, Klickitat, Trout Lake and Stevenson, Washington. Parents and caregivers with babies, toddlers and pre-school children were invited to attend and join in.
There is no cost to attend-it's totally free. It’s totally awesome, too! Stories, songs, jump-up-and-down dances and child-friendly art projects were offered. Every child received a free book to take home, thanks to the generosity of the Ft. Vancouver Regional Library Foundation. No programs are currently being held, stay tuned for updates. We can't wait to see you!

It doesn't take expensive toys or fancy electronic gadgets to get your child learning. Holding them, talking and singing with them and playing simple games such as Where is Thumbkin? all help your baby's brain grow and develop in fantastic ways. A baby forms 700 new neural connections per second in the first years of life.
Research into peek-a-boo shows how much they learn from even the simplest of activities that you do together-it's amazing! When your child feels safe, loved, and secure all kinds of good things happen.
Research into peek-a-boo shows how much they learn from even the simplest of activities that you do together-it's amazing! When your child feels safe, loved, and secure all kinds of good things happen.